Paisley Radio – Live Music. It's what we do.
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closeStripped down hits as you've never heard them before
closeA diverse mix of homegrown talent...right here on Paisley Radio!
closeKeeping you up to date with the latest news and trends!
closeKeeping you up to date with the latest news and trends!
closeStripped down hits as you've never heard them before
closeKeeping you up to date with the latest news and trends!
closeJoin Dan as he takes us on a musical journey throughout the years. With fascinating facts, news and massive hits from the year, your job is to guess the year he is visiting - easy, right?? Not as easy as it might sound!!!
closePhiladelphia (SoundCloud) Lester Pot
Noise Room Sebastian Lume
Oxygen view (Youtube) Miss Angel
Accord Hospice are holding their annual Summer Fayre on Saturday 1st July at the Lagoon Leisure Centre from 10am – 3pm. There will be a large variety of stalls to suit all ages – a great day our for all the family! From games to face painters, tea room to baking stalls, we have an amazing variety. Entry is free and all are welcome, a donation bucket will be at […]
todayJune 26, 2023 200 2
Sma’ Shot Day is Paisley’s annual celebration of the historic victory of local weavers in a famous dispute. Sma’ Shot Day is celebrated on the first Saturday of each July, when weaving families would traditionally take their holiday ‘doon the watter’. This year’s celebrations will take place on Saturday 1 July. Sma’ Shot Parade 12pm – 12.45pm Brodie Park to Abbey Close The parade is co-ordinated by Bridgeman Arts in collaboration […]
todayJune 26, 2023 260 1